About Me

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Hi,welcome & thank you for your visit.I am a Professional Photographer covering Somerset,Dorset & Devon.I cater for Wedding,Commercial,Advertising- Studio & Web-Site images to spec.from brief.Also Family/ Children's Portraits, Lifestyle and Photography in general. If you like an image you see-please- rate it, hover over and click on the 'facebook f' to 'like' & share-your opinions.Feedback & f'book likes are invaluable, help tremendously and are a great incentive and only take a second. Please make any booking enquiries via the 'contact' page on the web-site. I am always happy to help. I am taking commissions & bookings NOW for 2010/2011.So please do Contact me NOW for all your Photography and imaging solutions. Thank you, Alex.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

for the squeamish, don't look.Oh too late.It's just a harmless' little' spider.Well actually this ones nearer the nine inch mark! Its from India and is called Poecilotheria striata.This is a stock photo for image banks.I have been practising a bit recently with my small items photography-the idea is that these can be used for  advertising images.So expect to see a few more small items.no more spiders though.Promise.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

I picked up these tomatoes in the week for a nice salad, I thought they just looked too good to eat, just yet, so had a little photo shoot with them.I used a wide open aperture of f.2.8 and my canon 24-70 f2.8 L  lens, L series canon glass for hair splitting sharpness.The wide open aperture has lent well to the 'creative'shallow depth of field I was after.