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Hi,welcome & thank you for your visit.I am a Professional Photographer covering Somerset,Dorset & Devon.I cater for Wedding,Commercial,Advertising- Studio & Web-Site images to spec.from brief.Also Family/ Children's Portraits, Lifestyle and Photography in general. If you like an image you see-please- rate it, hover over and click on the 'facebook f' to 'like' & share-your opinions.Feedback & f'book likes are invaluable, help tremendously and are a great incentive and only take a second. Please make any booking enquiries via the 'contact' page on the web-site. I am always happy to help. I am taking commissions & bookings NOW for 2010/2011.So please do Contact me NOW for all your Photography and imaging solutions. Thank you, Alex.

Friday, 23 July 2010

Devon Tour,Clovely.

And the final images from my Tour of Devon!You may notice I have a couple of images here that have colour and black and white all in one.This technique is called channel mixing and means some of the colour information is retained on converting a digital image file to mono (black  & white).It's not a technique I  tend not to use allot and I feel it has been over-used especially by wedding photographers.It can be a bit of a cheap trick and in my opinion has little place in modern wedding photography.But there we are, some like it-for me too crass. I thought these two images were deserving & subtle enough.The boat chain just made sense as a great lead in.

Had to include a little bit of Devon here on the blog & finished off these pebble shot's.we shouldn't take pebbles I know due to coastal erosion.I did walk an awful long way before picking these up one at time from various spots along the beach.